Mac OS X 默认开启对所有移动存储设备的索引,因此,常常多出来一些 类似:
禁止 Spotlight 对设备进行索引也比较简单,只要在终端下进入移动设备的主目录,运行:
Mac OS X 默认开启对所有移动存储设备的索引,因此,常常多出来一些 类似:
禁止 Spotlight 对设备进行索引也比较简单,只要在终端下进入移动设备的主目录,运行:
After a slight modification to ~/.bashrc
, my sftp connection always fails with FileZilla, XFTP, and commandline sftp
, but Transmit in OS X works fine.
With verbose mode of command sftp
, it tells ‘Received message too long’. Carefully checked ~/.bashrc
, found that an echo
was added for debugging, after remove the echo
sentence, sftp works perfectly again.
So, if you want your sftp works fine, please be careful with shell config files like .bashrc or .cshrc or so, especially there are echo
or other messages outputed.
After remove, my apache2 on Mac OS X 10.9.2 Mavericks couldn’t start normally while everything looks OK. After carefully studied the log file through and looked into the content of /usr/sbin/apachectl, I realized that the starting process of apache in OS X is quite different than that in Linux: it uses launchctl!
So, I searched the apache launchctl config file:/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
. Aha! it said:
and ProgramArguments
were modified by aparently. Just recover them to /usr
and /etc/apache2/http.conf
, there, it works again!
Xshell 是 Windows 里面为数不多的免费且好用的 SSH 客户端,不过默认的配色实在是太难看了,真的是太难看了,如果不改掉实在是不能用。而且和 Sublime Text、TextMate、Emacs、VIM 等编辑神器以及 iTerm2 等深受好评的软件不一样,网上现成的 XShell 配色也着实少的可怜。冇办法,只好自己动手了。
上面提到的编辑器,真的有很多经典的配色,如 Monokai、Dawn、Eiffel、Tommorow、Twilight 等,但是我最爱的,还是那经典的 Solarized。关于 Solarized,已经有很多 介绍 ,其官网在 这里 ,Github 的主页在 这里,上面有为很多软件如 Emacs、Gedit、iTerm2、Putty、VIM、TextWrangler 等写好的配色文件,可自行采撷。
最爱的 Solarized Dark 配色,写成 Xshell 能用的形式如下
只需把以上内容拷贝到 SolarizedDark.xcs,并在 Xshell 中导入这个配色文件,就可以享受程序猿专用的温暖的太阳系之光了。
以下为更加温暖的亮色系配色文件,同理保存为 SolarizedLight.xcs 并导入 Xshell 即可。
ps: 后来仔细看了一下,已经有人 fork 了一个 Solarized 的代码库,并提交了 for Xshell 的 pull。参见