system "./configure", "--with-hdf5=#{hdf5.prefix}","--with-proj=#{proj.prefix}","--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking","--with-netcdf=#{netcdf.prefix}", "--prefix=#{prefix}"
# system "cmake . #{std_cmake_parameters}"
system "make install"
# This test will fail and we won't accept that! It's enough to just
# replace "false" with the main program this formula installs, but
# it'd be nice if you were more thorough. Test the test with
# `brew test cdo`. Remove this comment before submitting
After remove, my apache2 on Mac OS X 10.9.2 Mavericks couldn’t start normally while everything looks OK. After carefully studied the log file through and looked into the content of /usr/sbin/apachectl, I realized that the starting process of apache in OS X is quite different than that in Linux: it uses launchctl!
So, I searched the apache launchctl config file:/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist. Aha! it said:
The key SERVER_INSTALL_PATH_PREFIX and ProgramArguments were modified by aparently. Just recover them to /usr and /etc/apache2/http.conf, there, it works again!