system "./configure", "--with-hdf5=#{hdf5.prefix}","--with-proj=#{proj.prefix}","--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking","--with-netcdf=#{netcdf.prefix}", "--prefix=#{prefix}"
# system "cmake . #{std_cmake_parameters}"
system "make install"
# This test will fail and we won't accept that! It's enough to just
# replace "false" with the main program this formula installs, but
# it'd be nice if you were more thorough. Test the test with
# `brew test cdo`. Remove this comment before submitting
18 Circa mea pectora 《在我心中》,男中音独唱与合唱,欢快的合唱与韵味十足的独唱;
22 Tempus est iocundum《这时辰多可爱》女高音,男中音与童声合唱, 合唱很有气势, 独唱的哥们腔调加上背景的配音, 简直句句“诛心”, 让人忍不住手舞足蹈、又或者跟着唱起来, 这段应该是最喜欢的一段了;* 当然 20 的后半段、第一段和最后一段经典的《命运女神》、第二段和倒数第二段大气磅礴的大合唱也很喜欢。
这个录音版本有很多,Enigma 和 Era 都有基于这个的在创作,也很好听。说到 Enigma,偶然发现,这个乐队也是德国的,这样一来,除了古典的乐队如维也纳、柏林啥的,连摇滚和 New Age 中喜欢的乐队也几乎是德国的,如德国战车、蝎子乐队等;现场听得前两首歌剧《魔笛》和《蝙蝠》也都是德国(奥)的 :-)
After a slight modification to ~/.bashrc, my sftp connection always fails with FileZilla, XFTP, and commandline sftp, but Transmit in OS X works fine.
With verbose mode of command sftp, it tells ‘Received message too long’. Carefully checked ~/.bashrc, found that an echo was added for debugging, after remove the echo sentence, sftp works perfectly again.
So, if you want your sftp works fine, please be careful with shell config files like .bashrc or .cshrc or so, especially there are echo or other messages outputed.